Normalize values

I think that it is common to trim a string before executing validation.

The drip-form-validator can naturally incorporate such Normalize.
By default some Normalizers are provided. For details, please refer to Builtin Normalizers.

Basic usage

const data = {
  id: '123456789',
  email: '\n  \n',
  url: '',

const v = new Validator(data, {/* rules */}, {
  normalizers: {
    id: {
      toInt: true,
    email: {
      trim: true,
    url: {
      trim: true,
      rtrim: '/',


// {
//   id: 123456789,
//   email: '',
//   url: ''
// }

Usage is almost the same as specification of validation rule.
Pass the object to the normalizers option in the following format:

  field: {
    normalizerName: parameters

Inline Normalizer

It is also possible to specify it with Inline.

const v = new Validator({
  key: '123',
}, {/* rules */}, {
  normalizers: {
    key: {
      inline: value => parseFloat(value) * 100,


// {
//   key: 12300
// }

The structure of the function is as follows.

(value: any, params: NormalizeParams, previousValue: any, values: Values, previousValues: Values): any;

Field filters

To execute the normalizer only for a specific field, pass the field name to normalize().

const v = new Validator(data, {}, {
  normalizers: {
    id: {
      toInt: true,
    email: {
      trim: true,
    url: {
      trim: true,
      rtrim: '/',

// or
v.normalize(['id', 'url']);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""