Error manipulate

After executing the validation, it is important to display the error in an easy-to-understand manner or output it to the log. The drip-form-validator can manipulate the error flexibly according to the purpose.

Errors are kept in the instance after the verification is done.

Get all errors

Returns an object with field name as key.
In addition to the message, there are information such as parameters and validation rule names in the error.


// =>
// {
//   field1: [
//     { rule: 'ruleName1', params: true, message: 'Error Message' },
//     { rule: 'ruleName2', params: true, message: 'Error Message' },
//   ],
//   field2: [
//     { rule: 'ruleName1', params: true, message: 'Error Message' },
//   ],
//   ...
// }

If no error exists, it returns an empty object, so the following code does not do what you expected.

if (!v.getAllErrors()) {
  // valid
} else {
  // invalid

Please use isValid() instead to check that there are no errors.

if (v.isValid()) {
  // valid
} else {
  // invalid

Get all error messages

getAllErrorMessages() is useful to retrieve messages with fields as keys.
Information on parameters and rules is omitted.


// =>
// {
//   field1: [
//     'Error Message',
//     'Error Message',
//   ],
//   field2: [
//     'Error Message',
//   ],
//   ...
// }

Like getAllErrors(), if there is no error, it returns an empty object.

Get field errors

You can retrieve errors for the specified field separately.


// =>
// [
//   { rule: 'ruleName1', params: true, message: 'Error Message' },
//   { rule: 'ruleName2', params: true, message: 'Error Message' },
// ]

If there is no error, it returns null.

Get field error messages

Only get message of getErrors() result.


// =>
// ['Error Message 1', 'Error Message 2']

Clear errors

You can clear the errors held by the instance.


There are several other manipulate methods. Please refer to the API Document for details.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""