Basic usage

I will describe the most basic example.
I think that the concept of "simple" will be transmitted.

import { Validator } from 'drip-form-validator';

const data = {
  title: 'Post title',
  body: null,

const v = new Validator(data, {
  title: {
    required: true,
    max: 255,
  body: {
    required: true,

if (v.validate()) {
  // `data` is valid.

} else {
  // { body:
  //  [ { rule: 'required',
  //      params: true,
  //      message: 'The body field is required.' } ] }

Validation rules are specified in the following format.

  field: {
    ruleName: parameters

If you specify false or null for the parameter, validation will not be executed.

const v = new Validation(data, {
  body: {
    required: false,

Field filters

To validate only a specific field, pass the field name to validate().

const v = new Validator(data, {
  title: {
    required: true,
    max: 255,
  body: {
    required: true,

// or
v.validate(['title', 'body']);

Useful if you only want to run specific tests in the UI layer.

For API details of the constructor, please see API Document.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""